Monday, February 05, 2007

Walking in Shoes Customed Designed by God

I attended a Women's Retreat this past weekend. The theme is "Designer Shoes -- Walking in a Life Custom Designed by God" with Kathi Lipp as the speaker.

On Friday night, Kathi talked about expectation vs. reality. From her own stories, she shared how life is hard, awkward and uncomfortable at times. However, we can have a faith walk daily by (1) Trusting God by slowing down and waiting upon our Lord. (2) Trusting the godly people He surrounds as with (some of them stand behind us, some stand besides us, and some walk ahead of us). I was deeply touched by her talk and filled with gratification when she quoted my favorite verse:

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Saturday morning, I was the first person of our table (8 ladies each) to arrive. I noticed miniature shoes on the round table. On the spot where I sat the previous night, I was pleasantly surprise by a shoe that "fit" me best!

You see, I used to wear solid color pumps to work as an engineering manager. Then in 1995, I wanted to slow down and left my high-tech career to be a stay-at-home mom. The Lord gave me a chance to attend seminary that Fall. He continued to open doors ever since then: internship as a counselor, Children's Minister at my home church, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Founder and Director of Parenting ABC, etc. etc. And I have been wearing a lot of purple -- my favorite color -- after changing to the high-touch fields.

I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter/sister-in-law, sister, friend, and much more! How does a workaholic engineering manager become a MFT and pastor wife? As we shared our own life stories, I feel grateful about my shepherd's guidance and leading! God brought me here and now for His agenda and special purposes. I will be here until His purpose is fulfilled.

Have you tried to fill other "shoes" in your life? Have you found the right pair?

Copyright © 2005-2007 Winnis Chiang, Parenting ABC


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