What Is Important to Me?
Our church decided to reach out to our community by passing out tracts and invitations at two new supermarkets targetting Asian and Chinese Americans. Co-workers asked me to speak on "American Kids, Chinese Parents" on November 9th and I said yes. Parenting ABC is one of the most popular topic at my workshops.
On October 13th we went to one market and today another. Before I left the house, a sister told me that someone else would be collecting donations for the South Cal big fire last week. Upon arrival, I saw ten people wearing color-coded outfits occupying four poles at the two entrances. They had big signs and donation boxes, and someone writing out receipts. Definitely very organized.
As my heart went out to victims in South Cal, I thought about how many people did not know what they were living for from day to day. Before long, a scene from October 1994 came to my mind. That year, I was in a team representing our high-tech company demonstrating new products in Beijing, China in a big show. For the whole week, we had people coming to our booth and seeking information. They were so interested in the new stuff that there was usually a line of people looping around our booth. In comparison, on this Saturday afternoon, most people just wanted to buy grocery and return home (or go to the next stop) in a hurry, they really did not want to halt for any reason.
Our small church had two to three people at each shift passing out a Gospel tract with an insert to invite people to a parenting talk. It may be very insignificant in people's eyes, but those of us who went there knew why and what we were doing. Even more important, we knew for whom we were doing this. I smiled and nodded at the sister who was standing at the other entrance.
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men" (Colossians 3:23).
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