Saturday, November 03, 2007

Changing Plan

I was excited to be asked to lead workshops on "Depression" for caregivers of cancer patients. I spoke with their Cantonese group in 2005 and welcome another chance -- especially now I could speak to both the Mandarin and the Cantonese group. We initially thought about November 17th, but the date was eventually set to December 8th to avoid Thanksgiving activities.

On October 16th, the day after getting a second opinion for James' left eye, I asked the organizers to pray for us. Both of them wrote back. One E-mail included this note: "In case the 12/8 commitment becomes a challenge for you, please let us know. We can postpone your presentation and plan for other speaker on other subjects."

I appreciated their support and I prayed for the will of God. After getting the surgery schedule, I sensed that I should let go and wrote them on Novemeber 1st: "I still love to talk with your group, but I don't think it is realistic to ask another person to step in at the last minute (in case I could not make it). Therefore, I sincerely ask you to arrange someone else to speak on December 8th. Please apologize to your caregivers on my behalf ... Part of me has been rationalizing that James' situation is small comparing to what cancer patients have to go through. Then the counselor in me asked the question 'whose pain is most painful?' I hesitate to back out from commitment but I have to be real. In all these, I am grateful that we changed the date from November 17th to December 8th. I hope it is not too late for you to find another speaker. May be he/she can speak on Depression as we originally planned ..."

I had peace after hitting SEND. To my surprise, I received this reply: "We felt you understood what our caregivers need, so we will postpone your presentation until you feel OK to resume ..."

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1).


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