Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Winning An Oscar

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)

Ang Lee won an Oscar as Best Director. This generated mixed feelings among Chinese American Christians. On one hand, Ang Lee came from Taiwan and he showed how people from overseas could be successful in the United States, even in Hollywood. On the other hand, the movie is considered a propaganda to promote homosexuality and a very distorted view about love (e.g. romantic feeling without covenantal commitment).

In Hollywood, more discussions generate more publicity. One network news reported that the five movies nominated for Best Picture all have "issue-oriented" messages that got people talking. No doubt much damage has been done with "Brokeback Mountain" because gay lifestyle receives a lot of attention, negative or positive.

How should parents talk about this movie? It really depends on our children's age and our relationship with them. If they bring it up, congratulations (that they want to talk with you about tough subject or may be just curious), don't shut them down, try listening to what they are feeling and thinking, conversing with them to explore the truth. A teenager may say outrageous things just to shock parents, so stay calm and keep listening. It could be a teachable moment and a turning point.

"Brokeback Mountain" has generated immediate crisis. But don't forget there has been moral decay around us. Nowadays, little kids may meet school mates who have two dads or two moms. Parents need to understand what world view is being fed to our kids by the media and at school. But it is more important to teach them to seek the truth and to embrace it. Jesus is the way, the life and the truth. He loves us while we were yet sinners.

In the banking industries, tellers learn to distinguish between real and fake money by touch. Similarly, we need to show our children and teenagers God's perfect plan for salvation, marriage and family in real life. Have we taught our next generation about God's love? Have we demonstrated genuiene love, acceptance and forgiveness between husbands and wives and children and brothers and sisters in our own families?

Human beings want to love and feel loved. Children and teenagers need loving discipline and fair boundary. Genuiene love has to start within our families and churches. Do you know someone who has identity crisis, moral troubles, addiction problems, etc.? Are their parents too cold and distant? not caring? or overly conflictual?

Whatever dilemma you are facing, ask the Lord for wisdom to know what to say and how to say it.

Copyright © 2006 Winnis Chiang, Parenting ABC


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