Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Eye Pressure Up and Down

I thought his eye pressure would stay normal when I posted something in the morning of November 18th. I was so disappointed when it measured at 30 that afternoon at the doctor's. Dr. D. prescribed additional eye drop and a pill to release the pressure, and James slept pretty well that night. On Monday, November 19th, we saw Dr. L. soon after 7:45 a.m. The eye pressure was at 20. It was in normal range! After monitoring for another hour or so, the doctor declared, "You are out of ICU and into transitional care. I will give you a day off. Come back on Wednesday morning."

With the good news, I no longer ran on adrenaline. On the way home, I started sneezing and feeling weird. I took cold medicine and went to bed. Other than eating and giving him eye drops and medicine, both of us just slept and slept.

It was so good to have one day off from the doctors. My prayer was answered. This morning, James' eye pressure was at 19. "The retina looks good. The eye pressure is under control. But the iris is very close to the cornea." So we received another eye drop and stopped some. We will see Dr. L. again in two days. James is under best care.

As you can imagine, my mood changed when the eye pressure went up and down. The holiday reminds me to thank God for His provision, protection, timing and healing, and to thank our friends for their prayers, well wishes e-mail messages, flowers, even meals brought to our home. Our hearts are deeply touched. God has demonstrated His love and faithfulness through people around us.


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