Blindness, Mental Impairment and Musical Talents
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalm 139:14)
On CBS 60 Minutes tonight, there was a segment reporting on Rex Lewis-Clack, a musical savant whose incredible piano talent coexists with blindness and severe mental impairment. The show also features 11-year-old Rachel Flowers and 26-year-old Derek Paravicini who are in similar situations.
When I teach multiple intelligences, I want parents to know that each kid has some special talents in them waiting to be encouraged and discovered. The stories of Rex, Rachel and Derek showed us how music opens the door to their brains and provide a way for them to communicate with this world.
Click on this and that to find out more details about these musical savants.
What jump out is the dedication of Rex's mother (a Stanford Grad), and the music teachers and mentors for those young people. Every kid needs love and care. It is amazing how human brains work and how some people persevere in spite of great difficulties.
Parents, do you appreciate your child? Do you count your blessings?
Copyright © 2006 Winnis Chiang, Parenting ABC