"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalm 139:14)
I am cleaning up my files and come across a report on the Black and white twins. The mom and dad of these two little girls are both of mixed race. Apparently, both have white mothers and black fathers.
The report says that "The odds against of a mixed race couple having twins of dramatically different colour are a million to one." You may read the full report in
Daily Mail.
Have you ever wondered about how in the million less one situations, things happen as we are used to?
When our son was born, we were overjoyed. My husband and I counted all his toes and fingers and admired our beautiful healthy baby. I called that a miracle then, even before I became a believer! I still think it is incredible how human beings are designed.
A couple had a miscarriage and they were very sad and could not understand why. Later, their doctors found out that their baby (who passed away in the womb) only had X, not XX nor XY. How comforting to know that God already knew what was going on before physicians could figure things out.
Copyright © 2006 Winnis Chiang, Parenting ABC