Grandmothers and Mothers
I am leading a weekly Sisters' Fellowship on Thursday morning. Our group complices of mothers and grandmothers.
We have been studying the lives of Women in the Scriptures. In the Old and New Testament of the Bible, a lot of women were mentioned. Some of these women are pretty well known, like Eve and Mary (the mother of Jesus). Others at least have a name. But some women were simply referred to as "a young girl from Israel" (2 Kings 5) or "a Samaritan woman" (John 4). Sometimes they are mentioned in one-liners. For example:
"I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also." (2 Timothy 1:5)
In this passage, the Apostle Paul was writing to a young pastor called Timothy. Life is not simple for Timothy. He was from a mixed marriage: his dad was Greek and his mom was Jewish. But where did Timothy first learn about God?
In our Bible study group, there are many grandmothers from China who are taking care of their grandchildren so that their sons and daughters can go to work. Some of them are Permanent Residents, some are here only for six months. In their short stay, they became Christians and they are growing in faith. Those of us "younger" mothers who came the the States long time ago are teaching them. We shared the great and little things the Lord has done in our lives. What a beautiful picture of God's grace!
Copyright © 2005-2007 Winnis Chiang, Parenting ABC